sigh.i'll miss cheryl and boon. ):

okay.another quiz.
Dating Strengths | Dating Weaknesses |
1. Spirituality - 76.9% 2. Sense of Humor - 71.4% 3. Varied Interests - 71.4% 4. Friendliness - 68.8% 5. Open-Mindedness - 63.6% | 1. Appearance - 55.6% |
Dating Strengths Explained |
Spirituality - Your spiritual side brings you peace and balance, and keeps you grounded. This is attractive, as you can help reinforce this quality in other people. Sense of Humor - Guys are attracted to people with a good sense of humor. Be sure to put yours on display! Varied Interests - You don't limit yourself, and that's a dating asset. Your varied interests make you available and interesting to a wider range of guys. Friendliness - Your friendliness makes you approachable and fun to be around. A wide circle of friends also works to your advantage on the dating scene. Open-Mindedness - You are open to trying new things and entertaining new ideas, and this widens your pool of available guys. |
Dating Weaknesses Explained |
Appearance - Devoting a greater effort at making good first impressions is a must. Try to be fit and develop a style if you want to catch a guy's attention. |
Take the Dating Diversions Latest Online Dating Quiz |
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